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September 23, 2023

About the Company: A Brief Overview

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What Is Kinesys AI?

Kinesys AI is an AI company founded in Palo Alto, Silicon Valley. Its first product, Cortex, is middleware for large models, a basic software between the underlying large models and the upper-level applications, mainly solving the problems of integrating data, applications, knowledge bases, and large model fusion-level functional coordination during the process of landing large models. Cortex can empower developers to integrate many large model APIs and create a Copilot that is unique to each person. For example, influencers can use specific personas to establish Copilots and interact with fans. Enterprises can also use it as an internal management tool. For example, they can customize their own customer maintenance Copilot within the enterprise.

The Crown Jewel: Cortex

Cortex is a platform for building AI assistants powered by custom data sources. Users can input their own data and use LLM capabilities to ask questions, make requests, and monitor changes by creating and deploying AI-powered chatbots. Our goal is to empower individuals and teams to build their own suite of AI tools that can help streamline their workflow.

Good to Know About Cortex

Knowledge - Store and Interact with Your Data: One of the standout features of Cortex is its ability to let AI interact with your own data. Cortex provides a dedicated Knowledge tab, where you can store and manage your data. Whether you need to process large datasets or access real-time information, Cortex offers multiple upload options, including web uploads. Learn more about knowledge

Callable: Cortex allows you to tailor AI assistants for specific tasks that align with your business needs. With the Callable feature, you can customize input data to train your AI assistants. This ensures that the AI assistants you create are highly efficient and effective in carrying out their designated tasks. Learn more about callable

Copilot: Copilots are UI-based AI assistants that are designed for non-developers to create their own customizable AI assistants. Learn more about copilot


Business Goals

While the company's innovative Cortex platform aims to cater to a wide array of industries, its immediate focus is on offering a compelling, trustworthy brand that can revolutionize business operations for its clients.

Vision and Mission

While the two entities—Kinesys AI and Cortex—are intrinsically connected, each has its vision and mission statements.

Kinesys AI Mission: Foster productive and accessible relationships between AI and humans. Kinesys AI Vision: Building niche-agnostic platforms for AI to work with and for businesses and individuals.

Cortex Mission: Enabling individuals and teams to make AI work for them. Cortex Vision: Become the go-to AI-leveraging tool for business and individual workflows with a suite of custom, helpful, and easy-to-use AI tools.

Future Plans

The journey doesn't stop here. Kinesys AI and Cortex are continually evolving. While the immediate focus is on strengthening their B2B offerings, the companies also have an eye on the future, including building a developer community and launching an open marketplace for AI bots and tools.


Kinesys AI and Cortex represent a promising future where AI and humans work in harmony to achieve unparalleled efficiency and innovation. Through its research-centric approach and customer-focused solutions, the company is not just riding the wave of technological progress; it's steering the ship.

Stay tuned for more updates as Kinesys AI and Cortex continue to redefine what’s possible in the world of artificial intelligence.